crypto/ecdsa.nistCurve.N (field)
27 uses
crypto/ecdsa (current package)
ecdsa.go#L192: priv.D = new(big.Int).SetBytes(k.Bytes(c.N))
ecdsa.go#L205: b := make([]byte, c.N.Size())
ecdsa.go#L214: if excess := len(b)*8 - c.N.BitLen(); excess > 0 {
ecdsa.go#L227: if _, err = k.SetBytes(b, c.N); err == nil && k.IsZero() == 0 {
ecdsa.go#L236: p, err = c.newPoint().ScalarBaseMult(k.Bytes(c.N))
ecdsa.go#L307: r, err := bigmod.NewNat().SetOverflowingBytes(Rx, c.N)
ecdsa.go#L322: s, err := bigmod.NewNat().SetBytes(priv.D.Bytes(), c.N)
ecdsa.go#L326: s.Mul(r, c.N)
ecdsa.go#L327: s.Add(e, c.N)
ecdsa.go#L328: s.Mul(kInv, c.N)
ecdsa.go#L335: return encodeSignature(r.Bytes(c.N), s.Bytes(c.N))
ecdsa.go#L368: kBytes, err := nistec.P256OrdInverse(k.Bytes(c.N))
ecdsa.go#L371: _, err := kInv.SetBytes(kBytes, c.N)
ecdsa.go#L381: kInv.Exp(k, c.nMinus2, c.N)
ecdsa.go#L391: if size := c.N.Size(); len(hash) >= size {
ecdsa.go#L393: if excess := len(hash)*8 - c.N.BitLen(); excess > 0 {
ecdsa.go#L403: _, err := e.SetOverflowingBytes(hash, c.N)
ecdsa.go#L509: r, err := bigmod.NewNat().SetBytes(rBytes, c.N)
ecdsa.go#L513: s, err := bigmod.NewNat().SetBytes(sBytes, c.N)
ecdsa.go#L526: p1, err := c.newPoint().ScalarBaseMult(e.Mul(w, c.N).Bytes(c.N))
ecdsa.go#L531: p2, err := Q.ScalarMult(Q, w.Mul(r, c.N).Bytes(c.N))
ecdsa.go#L541: v, err := bigmod.NewNat().SetOverflowingBytes(Rx, c.N)
ecdsa.go#L565: N *bigmod.Modulus
ecdsa.go#L667: c.N, err = bigmod.NewModulusFromBig(params.N)
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